Does Vaping Have a Negative Stigma?
Does Vaping Have a Negative Stigma? While many people report vaping has helped them quit smoking, e-cigarette usage has still not seen widespread acceptance. California recently declared vaping a public...
Does Vaping Have a Negative Stigma?
Does Vaping Have a Negative Stigma? While many people report vaping has helped them quit smoking, e-cigarette usage has still not seen widespread acceptance. California recently declared vaping a public...

Are Recent Concerns About Vaping and Nicotine L...
Are Vaping Concerns with Nicotine Legitimate? How dangerous is it really to smoke e-cigarettes? Many people are concerned. But while the jury's out on long-term use, and some groups of...
Are Recent Concerns About Vaping and Nicotine L...
Are Vaping Concerns with Nicotine Legitimate? How dangerous is it really to smoke e-cigarettes? Many people are concerned. But while the jury's out on long-term use, and some groups of...
How to Enjoy a Cigar: Part 2
Cut and Light Up Matters A Lot How you cut your cigar affects its flavor. Make sure that you cut correctly into the head of the stick so it does...
How to Enjoy a Cigar: Part 2
Cut and Light Up Matters A Lot How you cut your cigar affects its flavor. Make sure that you cut correctly into the head of the stick so it does...
How to Enjoy a Cigar: Part 1
Smoking cigars is a great way to mark a special occasion or relax at the end of a long day. However, there is more to smoking a cigar than lighting...
How to Enjoy a Cigar: Part 1
Smoking cigars is a great way to mark a special occasion or relax at the end of a long day. However, there is more to smoking a cigar than lighting...