Collection: Starter Kits
Have you decided that smoking cigarettes is way too costly for your health and its time to make a change in your lifestyle? Are you worried of getting all the harmful cancer causing chemicals in your body? Is your wife, husband or other family members getting sick and tired of second hand smoke and the nasty aftertaste of tar?
If you've answered yes to any of these questions then you're on the right path to success! With our expert knowledge in E -Cigarettes, we've helped thousands of customers like yourself quit smoking cigarettes and have joined our Vaping Community! Now over 4 billion Vapers out there in the United States alone, there's something thats working here!
If you dont believe us, see our reviews for yourself!
When choosing your next favorite eliquid, here is the correct nicotine level breakdown:
From smoking cigarettes:
Less than a pack a day = 3mg of nicotine
A pack of day = 3-6mg of nicotine
More than a pack a day = 6mg -9mg of nicotine
More than 2 packs a day = 9mg -12mg of nicotine
If you are confused or don't know which Starter Kit to get, call our shop now and one of our trusted employees will guide you through the process!
(704) 847-1688